Crop Protection And Its Different Approaches

Nature plays a predominant role in the field of agriculture and related sectors. One must never ever try to go against the nature or turn it for any of the reasons. In fact, none of the modern techniques can make much of a difference if the nature is under played and experts like Bennett Kireker not consulted from time to time. Harmful effects of the same cannot be controlled very easily. Thus, agriculture and nature complement each other in a way and has much to do with the farmers and the people involved in the field. It can make or break these farmers by giving them a life and a means of livelihood in the long run.

Protecting the crop from the harmful effects of nature

It is always of value to save the crops from the damaging and dangerous effects of Mother Nature, pests and various types of insects and other factors in the offing. Crop protection plays a significant role in the life of the farmers and must be carried as a regular practice. In simple words or in the language of a layman, crop protection is saving the crops from the bad effects due to any of the factors and protecting them for the future course of action. Farmers have a major role to play in crop protection and must possess adequate knowledge about the same.

Modern techniques of farming are very much beneficial to the farmers, help ease their job and thus increase the productivity on a larger scale. IPM or Integrated Pest Management is one such farming technique or approach wherein the farmers make use of all the measures to keep the crops free of the pests and insects and thus save them. In fact, the best combination of a mixture of all the measures is put to the use and serves as a useful approach for the farmers.

These techniques come with many advantages and must be used by the farmers. Some of the advantages of these techniques are as below:

  • Cost Effective or Cost Saving to the farmers

  • Environmentally sound or beneficial for the environment

  • Capable of managing diseases and all kinds of insects and pests in agriculture

Hence, pest control strategies must be developed and adopted by the farmers and agriculturists concerned as a regular practice and all kinds of pests and insects kept at a distance from the crops by all the possible means. All possible controls must be put in to use and applied by the farmers in order to protect their crops from the dangerous effects of the pests and insects. All the local methods must be applied as per the needs of the farmers and their specific requirements met within the desired time limits.

While doing so, cost factor is taken into consideration and kept in mind for all the good reasons. Each alternative is measured against the other in terms of costing and the final one chosen accordingly after a detailed study of the same. Expert opinion from people like Bennett Kireker taken as and when needed.