How to Eliminate Unpleasant Odours in the car?

How to remove the annoying smell in the car? The problem of the presence of unpleasant odours in the car always remains relevant. Car owners use Christmas trees and fragrances, but they mask the smell only for a short time. The question arises: how to remove the smell in the car efficiently and permanently? To do this, you need to contact professionals and order a car deodorization service.

Damp, old car smell

When buying a used car, there is often an unpleasant “ombre” that cannot be removed with fragrances. The owners are worried about how to get rid of the old car smell. But to effectively get rid of it, special drugs and equipment are required.

The most dangerous stench from this group is the “air” of dampness. It not only disgusts car users and contributes to the formation of rust, but also poses many health risks.

In an environment with high humidity, pathogenic bacteria and microbes multiply especially actively. In such a situation, it is worth thinking not only about how to eliminate the unpleasant odour in the car, but also how to protect people inside the cabin.

Water can enter the passenger compartment on shoes and accumulate on the floor. Upholstery made of textiles damp quickly and may not dry out for a long time. Plastic surfaces, seat belts and other elements, due to high dampness, can become covered with fungus.

The appearance of a “damp” odour can be influenced by glass seals of insufficient density, leaking seams. Moisture enters through these holes, stagnation occurs and the appearance of fetid aromas.

So how can you remove the smell of dampness in your car air conditioner? Contact a reputed aircon servicing company. Their masters will identify the cause of the stench, analyse the problem, and select the appropriate methodology and drugs.

How we get rid of car odours?

How to remove the smell from the car efficiently and for a long time? Pest control craftsmen use two basic methods: the use of dry fog generators and ozonation. Let’s describe these methods:

  1. Dry fog: Dry fog treatment keeps the smell in the car clean and fresh. The dry fog generator evenly distributes the selected composition, destroying pathogens. Pathogenic microorganisms include harmful bacteria and microbes. After such processing, traveling by car turns into a real pleasure;
  2. Ozonating: Aircon servicing specialists will carry out effective ozonating of the machine. This will prevent the occurrence of allergic reactions and various diseases. If the driver and car users regularly inhale toxic compounds, the risks of developing asthma and other diseases that are difficult to treat are high.

Ozone is an oxidizing agent that neutralizes organic compounds present in the car. Ozonation will eliminate fungal growth and mold.

The qualified technicians will individually select the spray formulations that are most suitable for your problem. To select the best way to deodorize the car, the origin of the stench, the degree of neglect of the situation, and so on are analysed. If you are still thinking about how to remove the smell of vomit, dampness, burning or cigarettes in your car, please contact pest management Singapore immediately.